Access and moving in Chartres

How to come to Chartres ? Once there, how can you travel from the campsite to the city center of Chartres ?
Coming to Chartres
By the road
The city of Chartres is 88km far from Paris, about an hour by road
You can also come to Chartres with the following roads :
- From Paris, with highway A6 towards Bordeaus-Nates, then through Porte d’Orléans via highway A10 and A11 towards Nantes
- From Paris, with departemental road D910 towards Rambouillet, through Porte de Saint-Cloud
- From the countryside, you can use :
o The RN10 road from Tours and the south west of France
o The D923 from Brittany
o The RN154 from Rouan to Orléans
By train
Everyday, around 33 daily train from Paris Montparnasse train station (about 1 hour) come to Chartres, 12 daily trains come from Le Mans to Chartres, and trains come also from Brittany to Chartres. For more informations about the trains schedule or the prices, please check the train company website :
Hom to reach the city center of Chartres from the campsite ?
By foot
While you’re inside the campsite, reach the pedestrian ways toward the river Eure until you reach Saint-Pierre church, Then, from here, you only have to go through the road Saint-Pierre that will lead you to the city center.
By bike
if you prefer to ride a bike, you can use the same path that the oneyou can use by foot, you’ll just be faster !
By bus
In Chartres, the bus company Filibus has about fifteen steady bus line and serves 11 town in the surrounding of Chartres. Few lines link the campsite to the city center. During the day, lines 2 and 7 have bus stop close to the campsite. You can hop in thoses buses with stops names « 3 ponts » or « Perriers » which you can access by heading toward the main road that leads to Chartres, by going ont the right whencoming out of the campsite.
During the evening of Fridays and Saturdays, the town dedicated a bus line to go from the campsite to the city center of Chartres, with the train station as the last stop. This bus line starts just at the main gates of the Chartres’ campsite.
Check the map with thos bus lines and their schedule :